Homemade orange perfume: how to make it

If you are an aromatherapy lover, the idea of making homemade orange perfume has surely crossed your mind at some point, but you don't know where to start. Well, at Cítricos Siscaret we want to tell you how you can make homemade perfume easily and, above all, economically.

A homemade orange perfume will preserve all the essence of this fruit and it will also have a fresh, natural smell, as it will have nothing to do with an orange perfume bought in a conventional perfumery.

That said, we're going to tell you everything you need to know to make homemade orange perfume easily with ingredients you probably have at home. Pay attention to the process!

What do I need to make homemade orange perfume?

Before we start making our homemade orange perfume, let us tell you what you need:

  • 3 medium-sized oranges
  • 75 ml of water (It will also depend on how you want it, if you want it more intense or less, but this is the normal measure).
  • 75 ml of pure alcohol
  • A glass bottle that is not completely transparent and, if possible, with a spray nozzle.

Do you already have everything you need to create your orange cologne? Then, we are going to tell you step by step how to do it so that the result is a pleasant perfume that you can use in your daily life.


How to make homemade orange perfume step by step

Once you have the ingredients, to start making your homemade orange perfume you will first need to make the orange essential oil, and for this you will need orange peel and pure alcohol.

Step 1: Make the orange essential oil

To create the orange oil in a simple way you have to do the following:

  • Peel the oranges and let the peel dry for at least five days.
  • Put them in a pot, along with the pure alcohol and water. Remember that you can alter this mixture by adding more water if you want the final aroma to be lighter; if you add less, it will be more intense. Leave it to cook for at least six hours. If you see that it is running out of water, you can add more in a controlled manner.
  • When the time is up, remove the pot from the heat. e put the mixture in a glass container, and leave it in a dark place for about five days. You should stir the mixture intensively every day so that it unifies well. Remember to leave the container open so that the alcohol evaporates.

If you want the initial orange essential oil to be more natural, you can do the same cooking process, but instead of using pure alcohol, replace it with olive oil. The result will be similar, but this is a matter of taste - it's up to you!

Step 2: It's time to create the homemade orange perfume.

After the mixture of orange essential oil is unified, we will proceed to make the homemade perfume. To do this, you will again need water and the essential oil made in the first step.

To make homemade orange perfume, follow the steps below:

  • Mix water with the essential oil, but slowly, don't do it all at once because you can spoil it.
  • Shake it well and observe the concentrate and the aroma. If you see that it is a bit too little and does not smell as you would like it to, you can add a little more essential oil.
  • When you have found the perfect touch of aroma, you need to leave it to macerate for about a month in a dark, dry place in your home.
  • After this time, you have to change the temperature and freeze it for 24 hours. Once you have done this, we recommend that you defrost it at room temperature, without putting it in water, so that it defrosts naturally.
  • Once you have thawed it, you must filter it to remove any possible lees or lumps that may have been generated during the brewing process.
  • After filtering, put it in a container with a vaporiser and you can enjoy your homemade orange perfume.

At Cítricos Siscaret, we recommend that, so that your perfume does not lose its aroma or texture, you should keep it in a dark place, as direct light may cause it to deteriorate and stop smelling like the first day.


Advantages of home-made perfumes

After telling you how to make homemade orange perfume, we want to highlight the advantages of doing this process with your own hands and with common ingredients that we all have at home.

Some of the most important advantages are:

  • You will save money.
  • The production process is more natural than that of industrially processed perfumes.
  • We prevent them from damaging our skin, because you know the ingredients.
  • If we do it correctly, we can increase its durability.
  • If you need an inexpensive gift, making a homemade orange perfume can be the perfect gift, as well as personalised and special. It's easy to buy any cologne, but if you make it with your own hands, the value is much greater.

That said, we come to the end of today's post, we hope you liked the idea of making natural colognes at home, but you should not forget that for the fragrance to smell better, it is necessary that the product is good. Therefore, to make a homemade orange perfume, you will need quality oranges and in Citrus Siscaret we have them available for you at the best price and direct from the field, to your home. Buy oranges online!