Orange diet: Why should I include oranges in a balanced diet?

Oranges are one of the most consumed citrus fruits in the world. Its acidity and freshness are unparalleled, but did you know that there is an orange diet? We are not here to tell you about a miracle diet, but we want you to know how important it is for your health to eat oranges every day and how it can help you to maintain a balanced diet.

Take note!

Properties of the orange

Oranges are a must for a balanced diet. This citrus fruit is not only tasty to eat or drink in a good orange juice, but it has many good properties for the body, which explains why it is so advisable to take into account the orange diet if you are in the process of losing weight or just want to take care of yourself.

Let's find out about all the properties of oranges as a nutrient when it comes to eating them. With these we want to put an end to the myth that eating a lot of oranges is fattening:


A high content of natural vitamins is just one of the properties of the orange diet. This citrus fruit contains vitamin C, zinc, vitamin E and B complex vitamins, which are natural antioxidants that help burn fat. Therefore, including it in your diet should be a must.

Also, if you ever find yourself without energy, drinking a good orange juice will give you some of the strength you need to carry on with your day in better spirits.

Low calorific value

Often the afternoon comes and we are desperate to eat something sweet and experts always recommend eating some fruit for a mid-afternoon snack due to its low calorie content.

The orange is not the exception that breaks the rule, its percentage only adds 45 calories to your diet in 100 grams of orange. Quite low, isn't it? Therefore, if you decide to put the orange diet into practice, the only thing it will bring you is health and wellbeing.


Good fibre content

On the other hand, it may be low in calories, but it also has a high fibre content that facilitates the purification of the body. We are talking about 2.4 gr in 100 gr of orange.

Fibre-rich foods are recommended when we want to lose weight because they keep us satiated throughout the day. And this also improves the digestion process, regulated by citric acid, which provides the absorption of nutrients and stimulates the digestive system.

However, always remember that when it comes to dieting, you should balance fibre-rich foods, because overdoing it can damage the digestive system.


This citrus fruit is high in the mineral potassium, which stimulates the renal system. This means that by following the orange diet we eliminate excess fluids in the body.

Fluid retention is harmful to the body. For this reason, if we can help the body to expel it with natural foods, all the better. However, remember to complement this with drinking water, going to the toilet when you feel like it and exercising.

Active metabolism

The World Health Organisation (WHO) calls for the consumption of one fruit a day to keep the body and mind healthy. We already know that the dietary orange provides different properties that help to activate the metabolism. This way, our system works at an accelerated rate. Don't worry, this is not a bad thing.

Having an active metabolism will help you with fat loss through the properties of oranges that we knew before: vitamins and minerals. An active metabolism is an advantage that guarantees the orange diet .


What does the orange diet consist of?

Before we talk about the orange diet as such, we would like to remind you that all care must be taken under medical advice and that not all organisms work in the same way.

With that in mind, we want to remind you that everything in excess is bad, but don't worry, this orange diet won't have you eating or drinking thousands of oranges for a month. Every diet should be balanced with other foods and nutrients, according to the experts.

Now, what does the orange diet consist of? It consists of drinking 2 litres of orange juice a day for at least one week or 5 days. This juice must be freshly squeezed during both intakes and without sugar. When is it taken? It is taken in the morning and in the afternoon with an interval of approximately 2 to 3 hours. This diet can be repeated two or three times a year, but do not forget to accompany it with a healthy diet, oranges do not work miracles!

Juice must be 100% natural juice squeezed from the fruit. Packaged juice or juice with preservatives loses most of its properties and is more sugar than juice, so it can end up being harmful to your body.

Where to buy natural oranges and other fruits?

At Cítricos Siscaret we not only provide you with all the basic information about the diet of oranges, but we also offer you the opportunity to take freshly picked oranges to your table at the best prices on the market. All you have to do is visit us with a click on our website or contact us.

You can also find on our website recipes Who said we can only drink juice with citrus fruits? Visit us to enjoy refreshing moments!